Saturday, July 19, 2008

Work to do and Week wrapup

So on Wednesday, I got to have lunch with my old boss (Since I will only be here for two months it makes sense to have two different bosses, one for each month). I got brought up to speed on why things may have seemed a bit crazy. It was nice to get to speak with him and get a lease a little insight into what has happened. He also explained more on the PhD position from earlier, and it looks like things for me will go just fine without it and I need to regret anything.
Wednesday night we had the Stammtisch, it was a good event the bar it was at at 6.7 liter drinks (yes about the size of the suburbans engine) for 30eu. So we had a few of those, and I was the only one/first one who could drink the drink through all the straws at the same time. An impressive feat among graduate students in chemistry, chemical engineering, and the like. For those curious you cant do it if you have the straws in a big bunch, too much air leaks through; you need to line them up so your lips can seal the edges. I, purely out of curiosity, ordered a Blue pool or something like that. And it was the first cocktail, I believe that lived up to its crazy name. It tasted like pool water, with a hint of chlorine as well.
Thursday at work was a tiny bit dismal. I spent the entire day debugging IGOR code. Luckily my suitemate made some german ravoli things with, I guess, meatballs inside. They were quite good and we got to try to start planning out exactly which trips we will do when. All we really decided was definitely munich for october fest, and 90% on paris next weekend.
Friday. I got to work today and had a note from my new boss saying he wished to speak with me. I, of course, figured all my internet surfing/lyric translating caught up with me. Luckily, the meeting was about what I will be working on and I even got to see some documents that said Vertraulich (Classified/Top Secret). The meeting was quite good because now I have some general direction for what I will be trying to do over the next 5 weeks or so. Furthermore at the moment it seems feasible that something potentially quite good could come out of the work. Friday for lunch we went out to one of the restaurants on campus (a 10 minute busride away, this place is so big) The food was good, but still nothing tastes as delicious as Görtz's Pretzel covered in cheese and sunflower seeds. At night we went back to the irish bar but a few of the americans decided to pregame. This may or may not have been a good idea, but lets just say its the most I have felt like dancing in a long time.

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