Wednesday, July 2, 2008

No Internet, kinda

I have an apartment without internet or from what I can tell
accessible laundry (apparently people do such things using the sink
eek (did i study abroad in a 2nd world country or did I somehow take
the wrong plane and end up in africa?) I have a cell phone here now
that has a built in radio, but I am not exactly yet sure of my number.
There are 6-7 other rise-pro students at BASF and they all seem nice
and are from all over the place with all kinds of different
backgrounds (one girl is from wellsleyan, and thus heard obama at
graduation). BASF also hires hundreds of interns from all over (spain,
poland, germany, france). So it is a pretty cool experience. You also
have no idea how frickin enormous BASF is. Go to google maps and
lookup : "ludwigshafen am rhein, germany". It is a small town approx
18 sq-km. There are 15 gates to enter the small town and security is
pretty tight. I have 3 roommates 1 is from singapore and spends his
time cooking really fancy meals and watching dvds on his computer, the
other is from stuttgart (so I will have a german practice buddy) and
he is studying automation or something like that. They both are pretty
nice certainly better than my last roommate. Also something you all
should find amusing is that although everyone in the program is 22
years or older (the euro-students are closer to 25) we are not allowed
to have guests after 10pm and have quite hours after 9pm. How is that
for a guest-policy? One girl even asked if her dad could stay with her
overnight to which the response was certainly not. Also my last two
withdrawls from deutschebank, I have gotten under the current exchange
rate for euro->dollar, so go deutschebank.

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