Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hiking and Working and Everything Else

So the last post, I didn't realize I had posted, hence its title was a bit off. So backing way up. I have found a really great hiking group here on Meetup. Just about every sunday they go hiking somewhere different in Switzerland leaving from Zurich. I went with them to Eggeberg, Ebenalp, Turbenthal, and Faido. The group is mostly foreigners although a few swiss people have come. The discussions are almost entirely in english, although if you sneak up on the swiss and germans you can catch them speaking in german. The weather for every trip has been fantastic thus enabling me to take wonderful pictures of everything. Today as it is raining/sleeting/snowing I am glad I seized the opportunity to get outside as much as possible when it was sunny.
Working has gone well, I have much more direction on my project now and have begun the process of taming the robot I am working with. Most of the work was already done my job is just to perfect it, integrate it, and scale it to large sets. Hopefully it wont be too difficult. It is easy to spend hours just tooling around with it.
Everything else? Well I have started swimming because I realized I can swim for free tuesday, wednesday, and thursday mornings with ASVZ (student sports association of zuri). They have someone there providing specific workouts to do, and today the workout involved pelvis thrusting, push-ups, and swimming lengths without breathing. We also did some backstroke where I learned that apparently I swim as though I was sitting in a chair and I shouldn't do that. Upon leaving the pool I read the sign on the outside rating the pool; it had several normal criteria like temperature and length, but my favorite was Flirtfaktor which it got 3 hearts, whatever that means.
I also found a german film group for students who want to learn german every wednesday night. The first time I went the film was in english with german subtitles (what?), so it was extremely easy to understand and not entirely useful. Last night, however, it was a german film with german subtitles, and an extremely nonlinear plot. To add to this they used extensive metaphor and complicated language. Needless to say, I had only the foggiest of ideas of what happened in that film. It was action packed, and the leading actress was quite cute though, so didn't bother me too much.

Finally back to the weather, It snowed last night and today. Currently it is above 0 (32) so it probably won't stay long, but there is some on the ground and all forms of public transportation are delayed. The city looked absolutely fantastic in the snow especially at night. I like snow much better than rain, but I think I will need to figure out better shoes as the waterproofness of my running shoes is nonexistant. They, in fact, would be more aptly described as thirsty much to my feet's dismay.

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